Lichee Hogland,
Principal Lawyer & Director

With a consultative and approachable practice style, Lichee leads by example as the Founder and Principal Lawyer at Lagom Family Law.

She understands the value in building trust and knowledge about what is important to her clients and the advice our team provide, from the very start.

Kalisha Martin,

Senior Lawyer

Kalisha brings a senior level of experience to the team, in the form of a keen eye for detail, a pragmatic approach and a level of efficiency that is prized within our firm, due to the exceptional value it offers our clients.

Vanessa Kreiman,

Junior Lawyer

Vanessa consistently demonstrates her determination to tackling legal drafting and analysis with the utmost precision. Without her planning and execution in the day to day of client file management, what we can achieve for our clients could not be possible.

Sarah Koura,


Dedicated to supporting the team in achieving client goals, Sarah emphasises clear and open communication to facilitate smooth case management. She offers personalised attention to each client’s needs, ensuring the team can effectively address concerns and keep clients informed throughout the legal process.

Rob Muir,

Practice Management & Operations

With a career in leadership roles across the technology and consultancy services sector, Rob oversees Lagom Family Law's day to day business management, client onboarding, finance and technology.

Rob brings a passion for improving processes and value offered to our clients, by empowering the team to focus on what they do best as lawyers - giving great advice.