Lagom - a Swedish word and philosophy meaning “Just Right”.
There are a variety of ways to approach resolution of your family law matter. We specialise in taking a tailored, individual approach that focuses on the needs of you and your family. We gather information to develop a strategic plan which aligns with your present and future needs.
Lagom Family Law believes early advice and planning is crucial to any outcome. We therefore place a significant emphasis on getting to know you and your circumstances from the outset during our initial conference.
We then partner with you to explore your options and guide you through what can often be a complex and overwhelming process. Our advice and guidance continues to evolve and change as your circumstances do. We pride ourselves on adaptability, flexibility and building trust with our clients to ensure we instil confidence and understanding as their trusted advisers.
We see transparency as key in starting a successful working relationship, including when it comes to our costs. You can visit our Legal Fees page for more information.
Lagom is Swedish and means not too little, not too much, just right. This is our philosophy of practice as we aim to provide tailored advice specific for your individual needs - that’s just right for you!
You deserve to be heard and provided with realistic outcomes.
Organise an obligation free initial phone
consultation today.