Separation or Divorce in the best interests of the family involved is what expert Family Lawyers can deliver.
Do any of the following apply to you?
You’ve separated on amicable terms and want to avoid court at all costs.
You want to formalise a divorce with a minimum of fuss and without too many people getting involved.
You may have had informal negotiation or discussions regarding property or time with children.
You want to protect your children and learn more about parenting agreements
You want a quick resolution so everyone can move on with their lives.
If so, Lagom Family Law can assist by setting you up for success with qualified, efficient and sympathetic legal advice.
We are a firm dedicated to resolving your family law matter with advice that is specifically designed for your needs, not generic cut and paste communication.
We provide a collaborative approach to family law matters to help both sides move on and to remain on amicable terms.
Get Your Free Copy of “Legalise Your DIY Divorce or Separation”
Download Your Free Guide
Lagom Family Law have prepared a document which aims to address the top 2 areas we recommend you consider when proceeding with a DIY Divorce or Self-Managed separation and how experts can help get the result you are looking for.
Your Case Deserves Our Holistic Approach
We work with our clients on a holistic approach and help you to avoid lengthy matters that are expensive and time consuming.
While there are many reasons why a couple separates, however the legal system treats all cases under the same set of rules. As such, having an experience expert on your side can help you and your ex-spouse reach an agreement that everyone is agreeable to.
Time Limits Apply:
If you have been married for two years, regardless of the informal agreement you’ve decided on together, the Court won’t grant a divorce until you’ve attended mediation.
It takes at least 4 months to obtain your final divorce order; from which it won’t become final until a month after that.
Property settlement after divorce - if you want to apply for Court orders in relation to property, you only have 12 months within your divorce becoming final.
A divorce order doesn’t deal with issues such as property settlement, maintenance and parenting arrangements.
Without a written agreement, if something unexpected happens, your ex-spouse could get more than their share.
Speaking With Us Will Provide:
We help you in developing a way forward and a “listening ear” to work through your situation with you.
We provide a confidential and comfortable space for you to get your own independent advice, knowing where you stand and what your rights are.
Gain knowledge and clarity into the family law system, to give you the confidence to take the next step with a clear mind.
We are available via phone, email or text. We can also set up Skype or online conferencing if that suits. We cater to your preference and availability.
Advice You Can Rely On:
All of our conversations are confidential and setting up an initial meeting is the first step in working out what you need to do and how we’re going to approach your situation together.
Gaining an understanding of your legal rights, obligations and responsibilities will help you decide what you want to do next.
Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the end of the relationship or if court proceedings have been initiated there are rights all parties are entitled to. Find out what your’s are.
We can help with parenting agreement examples, property settlement after separation and DIY divorces.
Why Lagom Family Law:
Transparent Billing
Don’t get caught out by “bill-shock”, we provide regular updates and ensure you always are fully informed of costs.
Holistic Approach
We look at your entire situation and make sure other aspects of your life such as financial and health are taken care of.
We are available when you need us. Text, call or email anytime of the day or night. We are here to help.
What our clients say about us
Get Your Free Copy of “Legalise Your DIY Divorce or Separation”
Lagom Family Law have prepared a document which aims to address the top 2 areas we recommend you consider when proceeding with a DIY Divorce or Self-Managed separation and how experts can help get the result you are looking for.
We’re here to help
Fill in our form and we’ll be in touch to organise a free 20 minute initial consultation over the phone.
Lagom Family Law pride ourselves on delivering bespoke, considered and personally tailored planning for our clients in all aspects of their family law matter including separation, parenting arrangements, property settlements, child support, divorce, mediation, Court applications as well as collaborative matters.
We aim to provide expert advice in a respectful, approachable, ethical and affordable manner to achieve the best outcome for our clients.
If your matter is urgent then please contact us on +61 2 8379 1835 and we’ll endeavour to speak to you right away